Datei Diskussion:Ddr bilderalbum.jpg

Aus Stupidedia, der sinnfreien Enzyklopädie!
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  • Die Nutzung der Papiertextur ist zum Uploadzeitpunkt nach den dort angegebenen Nutzungsbedingungen erlaubt gewesen.


Terms of Use

Alright, here’s the quick and dirty on how you can use the textures you find on this site:


Use the textures for any of your projects, both commercial and personal. Use the textures without any attribution back to this site (although, it’s alway appreciated)


Sell the textures as your own stock photography Host the textures on your own site/server. If you want to share the textures, just link back here please. Pretend that you are an elephant blowing water out of your trunk.

Other than that, go crazy folks…but remember: always texture wisely.

Wirbelsturm2.0.svg HarryCane D-Stern.svg Texte mich zu! 22:38, 8. Jul. 2017 (CEST)

Linktipps: Faditiva und 3DPresso